Table of Contents


The goal of this template is to provide a nice-looking poster layout, easy to configure and fill in.

This poster template is a largely inspired but purified version of this template.

Credits to:

Here is an example preview:

Preview image generated with this tool


The template is structured in the following way:

  • main.tex: This is the main TeX file to be compiled. Here you can include your payload.
  • fonts: This folder contains the fonts to be used in main.tex.
  • imgs: This folder is aimed to contain logos and figures.
  • parts: This folder contains the bibliography (in BibTeX format) to be used in main.tex.
  • styles: This folder contains the styles for defining the layout. Most of the included ones should not be edited.


The compilation can easilly be configured in Texmaker by defining a Quick Build Command:

  1. Go to the menu Options
  2. Select Configure Texmaker
  3. Go to tab Quick Build
  4. In the field User : (…), replace the command with:

     latexmk -pdf -xelatex -use-make %.tex
  5. Then click OK

This will produce main.pdf.

Making your poster

Parts that you should adapt:

  • main.tex
  • parts/bibliography.bib
  • include images in imgs and refer to these in main.tex

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